QCFI Madurai Chapter CCQC 2016 – Report Gallery


QCFI Madurai Chapter has organized its 26th Chapter convention on 24th and 25th Sep. 2016 at Kanyakumari. The inaugural function was held at 9.30 AM at Cape Institute of Technology auditorium.  The function was chaired by Mrs. V. Umadevi M.D.  Sri  Jayavilas Subbaraj Cotton Mills chairperson of QCFI Madurai Chapter.  Mr. Ravi Shanker President of The Ramco Cements Limited, Ramasamy Raja Nagar was the guest of honour.

The case study presentation of Quality Circle and Allied concepts was conducted at 8 different halls simultaneously with the judge evaluating the case studies.  The poster, Slogan, Poem, knowledge test was conducted on 25.09.16.

It was observed that level of presentation and preparations of case study book have gone to the level of exemplary.  Judges are finding it difficulty in evaluating and difference ate in awarding marks.

It is really a remarkable even that about 36 Industries have participated with 185 circles and 956 persons participated.  The participating level surpassed previous one.

On 25.09.2016 Chapter conducted concurrent session on sharing the experience of 5 ’S’ at Japan.

The valedictory function was provided over by chairperson QCFI Madurai Chapter Smt. Umadevi and the Chief Guest was Rtn. J. Shajahan past rotary Governor and Sri. S. Shunmugam Sr. Vice President India Cements Ltd.  Thirunelveli was as guest of honour.  The function was attended over 1000 people.

Award Distribution

Gold    151

Silver    30

Bronze    4


Total    185

Madurai Chapter CCQC 2016 Photo Gallery