NCQC 2019 Statistics


Total Organisations: 505
Total Teams: 1645 + 11(Kaizen Display Teams)
Total Members: 9000+

Par Excellence: 686
Excellence: 784
Distinguished: 154
Meritorious: 21
Kaizen Display Teams: 11

Along with the oral case study presentations, there were 11 Kaizen Display, 8 Home Kaizen and 99 out of 148 registered Model Displays presented at NCQC 2019. 126 teams participated in the first level Quiz out of which 10 teams were selected for final Quiz a team from Godrej Consumer Products, Malanpur winning the final Trophy.

Marks Break up & participant certificate soft copies
Marks break up & Members participant certificates soft copies will be uploaded on Jan 10th, 2020. We request all the teams to login to your QCFI organizational membership account and download.

The Chief Guest of the convention was Prof. Pramod Kumar Jain, Director, IIT(BHU) and the Guest of Honour was Mr. V.K. Panjiar, DRM, NE-Railway, Varanasi.