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About QCFI

QCFI is recognized as the institution representing The Quality Circle Movement In India and has represented the country in several international forums. The organization has successfully implemented Quality concepts under the TQM umbrella across several industry verticals who have experienced a phenomenal enhancement of their work processes and productivity after implementation of Quality Concept Tools.

QCFI represents India in the 14 nation International Committee that has been set up for organizing International conventions on Quality Concept Circle, annually. To date, QCFI has organized three International convention in India. In addition, chapter convention and National convention are held every year where members present case studies and technical papers are discussed by leading Quality Concept Practitioners.

The Coordinating Organizations

In-house Training and Orientation Programs is QCFI’s main strengths and has conducted numerous such training programs effectively. These in-house programs are based on Quality Circles integrated with TQM and related concepts.

On 31st December 1982 the Quality Circle Forum of India was registered as a non-profit and non-political organization under AP Public Society’s Act with following Objectives.

» To act as the nodal body for approving implementation of Quality Circle and other related concepts in organizations
» To function as a common forum for discussion and dissemination of information related to Quality Circle and other quality concepts as part of TQM
» To assist both individuals and organizations to launch and operate Quality Circles integrated with TQM
» To sponsor research programs to further these concepts.
» To improve, enrich and uplift the quality of work life and provide opportunities for self-development of members of the Quality Circle
» To form chapters representing the QC forum and lay down policy guideline and procedures for their management, administration and proper functioning.
» To cultivate and promote a high standard of ethics amongst its members
» To associate with other National and International organizations engaged in similar pursuits