CCQC 2017 – Mysuru Chapter First Convention report


    The Regional Convention on Quality Concepts (RCQC) at Mysuru, which was started in the year 2010, has been successful with continuously increasing number of participating team year after year. The number of teams which was 42 in 2010 has grown to 194 in 2015. This year, this was the first Chapter Convention on Quality Concepts (CCQC) which was held on 28thMay 2017 saw more than 800 participants representing 57 different organizations taking part in various streams/ competitions. Also, 20 Delegates from different organizations were witness to the various activities of the convention.

    The Venue for this year’s CCQC was Vidya Vardhaka College of Engineering (VVCE), Mysuru. VVCE has very good infrastructure, with an Auditorium to accommodate the large gathering. The Inauguration and Valedictory functions were held in this auditorium. Halls where the Case Study Presentations were held, were all equipped with LCD projectors and screens. Also, technicians, support staff& volunteers from various industries were readily available to attend to problems, if any, during the functions/ presentations. The college staff under the leadership of Dr. Sadashive Gowda, Principal & Prof. Rishi J P  supported throughout the convention. The food catering arrangements were also very well organized with adequate number of counters for serving food for the participants. Separate counters were arranged for the Guests & Juries.

    DSC_0365The hall arrangements for the presentations as well as display of Kaizens were excellently organized by Mr. Murali L & Mr. Ramesh Agrahar, GC Members, QCFI – Mysuru chapter.

    The registration activities of the convention started on 28th May 2017 morning and the registration of all the teams, delegates, juries & volunteers was completed within the time-line.

    A team of 40 Judges from various organizations in Mysuru was deployed to evaluate the presentations and other competitions. These Juries have been specially trained for evaluation as per QCFI norms by Mr. Jagadeesh Prasad, Mentor of QCFI – Mysuru Chapter. The Judges’ team did a commendable job in evaluating the projects.

    DSC_0409Kaizen Display.
    51 teams participated in the Kaizen Display stream. Each team presented three Kaizens. The teams passionately explained the improvements done through Kaizens, as the Judges went round each display for evaluation.


    Knowledge Test
    The Knowledge Test is a test of the Team’s knowledge about the Philosophy of Quality Circles, Basic knowledge about Problem solving tools, their applications, etc.

    This test is an open book test wherein the teams are allowed to refer books within the time schedule, but use of mobile phones and laptops are not permitted.

    The Knowledge test is a compulsory part of the evaluation during the National Convention (NCQC) for Quality Circle (QC) and Lean Quality Circle (LQC) teams. High scoring teams are given prizes.

    All the requirements for the knowledge test, preparation of question paper was done by Mr. Jagadeesh Prasad, arranging evaluation, announcing the results etc., were handedly by Mr. Murali L, QCFI – Mysuru Chapter and supported by Mr. Prakash Rao of Kanyes Technologies India Pvt Ltd.


    The inaugural function started with Invocation by Smt. Bhuvaneshwari. Mr. Abdul Kareem, Hon. Secretary, QCFI – Mysuru Chapter led the Dignitaries to the Dais & welcomed the Guests, Participating Teams and all others. The convention was given traditional start by Lighting of the Lamp by the Chief Guest and other Dignitaries viz., Mr. D K Srivastava, Executive Director QCFI, Mr. Satish Kalokhe, President QCFI, Dr. Sadashiva Gowda, Principal VVCE,  Dr. Muthukumar N, QCFI southern zone director, Mr. Krishnakumar P, Hon. Chairman QCFI Mysuru Chapter, Mr. T V Venkataram, Hon. Vice Chairman QCFI Mysuru Chapter, Mr. Abdul Kareem, Hon. Secretary, QCFI – Mysuru Chapter, Mr. Wadiraj K J, Hon. Treasurer QCFI Mysuru Chapter.

    Mr. Krishnakumar, in his address recollected how the Mysuru convention started, upgraded to Mysuru Sub-Chapter & grown to fully fledged independent Chapter. He particularly stressed the need to help the education institutes, Tier 2 & Tier3 suppliers in improving their performance.

    Mr. D K Srivastava, Executive Director QCFI addressed the gathering about the National convention to be organized in Mysuru this year during December 17.

    Dr. Sadashiva Gowda, Principal VVCE addressed the participants and requested QCFI directors to have interaction with educational institutes to bridge the gap between the education &business.

    Mr. Wadiraj K J, introduced the Judges while Mr. P. Krishnakumar & Mr. Abdul Kareem welcomed them by presenting juries with flower buds.

    Mr. Satish Kalokhe, President QCFI highlighted new initiatives such as student membership, Digital India & Social services of QCFI.

    Chief Guest Mr. Mr. Anil Bokil, Founder Arthakranthi attended late in this busy schedule .

    The inaugural function concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. T V Venkatram.

    Mr. Wadiraj Kulkarni, as the Master of Ceremony for both Inaugural and Valedictory function conducted the proceedings in a professional way.


    Case Study Presentation
    In case study evaluation was carried out in two stages viz., pre-evaluation of the case study by two juries independently, followed by evaluation of the presentations made by the teams in the convention.

    The pre-evaluation was carried out by a team of experienced and seasoned Governing Council members of the Chapter,  Sri Jagadessh Prasad , Sri. Murali L,  Sri. V Ramachandran  of L&T &  Ms  M S Latha  of Kanyes. They need special appreciation for their efforts in ensuring timely completion of pre-evaluation of more than 100 case studies.

    The second stage of evaluation was the presentation skill and step by step explanation of work done by the teams / individuals. There were 22 halls with electronic LCD projector for PowerPoint presentation in 3 different blocks in an orderly manner. Each hall had two experienced Judges nominated by QCFI who were trained specially for the convention requirement.

    To conduct this super activity hall management plays a very important role. Thanks to Mr. Murali L & Mr. Ramesh Agrahar for their excellent allotment including Jury selection and co-ordination between presentation halls & control room.

    The order awards presentation was for Poster, Essay and Slogan competitions evaluated by Mr. Wadiraj K J , Mr. Vinay of L&T, Mr. Abdul Kareem & Mr. Jagadeesh Prasad  earlier and presented to the winners before other competition result.

    The valedictory function was held in the evening, in which Sri. R. Guru, Chairman, NR Group was the Chief Guest for the function.

    Mr. T V Venkatram, welcomed the Guests and the Gathering.

    As part of the valedictory function, a Quiz was organized by Smt. Rajeshwari _of BHEL EDN Bangalore . Kumari.  Ankitha  11 years 6th standard and daughter of Ms. Ambika of Kanyes Technologies India Pvt ltd performed Yoga & got appreciated by QCFI Executive director & invited her for NCQC 2017.

    Sri. R. Guru, highlighted the need of quality in work  and also expressed his  support for the national convention which is going to held in Dec 2017 at Mysore.

    Mr. Abdul Kareem, in his vote of thanks, thanked the Guests and Dignitaries for sparing their time for the convention, in spite of their busy schedules. Further, he thanked the Management of all the Organizations for sending their Teams and Delegates to make the Convention a Grand Success.

    All others who were directly or indirectly responsible for the success of the Convention were also thanked. Special thanks to Vidya Vardhaka College of Engineering management for giving their entire facility to conduct this convention. Finally, the Prizes / Awards were distributed to the participating teams and individuals by the Chief Guest & Dignitaries.

    At the end of it all, everybody went home with a happy mood, having celebrated the Convention in a festive atmosphere.

    Kit Bag & Gift Distribution
    As usual under the leadership of Mr. Wadiraj K J along with team distributed the kit bag memento and trophies to participants, delegates, juries & volunteers. QC registers returned to respective team at the same counter.

    The delicious vegetarian breakfast, lunch and high tea by M/s RNM Enterprises was served and all the participants enjoyed the food.

    Coordination is a skill one should love to do it. This activity was shared by Mr. T V Venkatram, Mr. L Murali, Mr. Wadiraj, Mr. Abdul Kareem, Mr. Ramesh Agrahar, Mr. Krishnakumar, Mr. Ashwath, Mrs. Roopa & teams. Special thanks  for the Kanyes teams   and   N Ranga Rao Son”s teams of  volunteers for the their support in the CCQC 2017.

    We are grateful and express our gratitude to the following sponsors of this Mega event.

    1)  Larsen & Toubro Limited for sponsoring the Gold  Trophy.
    2)  Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Pvt Limited for  sponsoring  the Silver Trophy
    3)  MYPOL   for the Banner display in the Hall.

    At the end one should agree that CCQC – 2017 Mysuru was a grand success of team work by all.