Inauguration of QCFI Mysuru Chapter

    MYSURU CHAPTER Inaugural


     QCFI – Mysuru Sub Chapter of QCFI – Bengaluru Chapter was upgraded as full fledged Chapter on 22nd May 2016 at Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering by the QCFI President Sri S.J. Kalokhe in the august presence of Prof. V. Narayana, founder Director of QCFI and Sri D.K. Srivastava, Executive Director, QCFI.

    On the occasion of inauguration QCFI Mysuru Chapter on 22nd May 2016 at Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Dr. N. Muthukumar, Chairman, QCFI Mysuru Chapter addressed the gathering and deliberated upon growth of Indian economy and its impact on manufacturing sector. He stressed upon the need for change in grass root level to increase the quality and productivity value in manufacturing sector. He analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of industries in Mysuru and gave pointers for strengthening of Mysuru Chapter of QCFI. He enlightened the gathering regarding advantages of being part of QCFI to improve one’s product and make it a global brand.

    Sri. S V Suresh, Chairman, QCFI Bengaluru Chapter encouraged the gathering to exchange ideas and make the most out of every opportunity. He urged industry representatives to take active participation in such events which in turn makes them resourceful and industry efficient.

    Dr Sadashive Gowda, Principal of Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering highlighted the importance of collaboration of industry and academia to produce quality engineers. He observed it is the need of the hour to look into employability and train the students in practical aspects to make them industry efficient.

    Speaking about the role of Mysore chapter, Sri. D K Srivastava, Executive Director QCFI appreciated the efforts of industries in Mysuru and deliberated upon enhancing such potential of Mysuru industries with collaboration of QCFI.

    Sri. Satish Kalokhe, President QCFI congratulated as Mysuru sub chapter became a full-fledged chapter. He urged the gathering to become ambassadors of Mysuru chapter by propagating the activities. He highlighted the contribution of industry representative.  He suggested Mysuru Chapter to involve students in their activities to make them understand ground reality.

    Post unveiling of Mysuru Chapter, the chief guest of the event Aroon Raman, MD, TELOS Investments & Technologies Pvt. Ltd spoke about the contribution of industry leaders in Mysuru in establishing a full- fledged QCFI Mysuru Chapter and encouraged the gathering to take active participation in all the chapter activities to make it a success. He stressed that process quality, product quality and organizational movement act as prerequisites to customer satisfaction. He parted with inspiring words to the crowd – to think BIG and to think for society as whole.

    Sri.  T V Venkataram – Hon Secretary introduced the Guest Speakers and Mr Abdul Kareem – Hon Joint Secretary welcomed the gathering.  Sri. Krishna Kumar – Vice Chairman, proposed the vote of thanks. Sri K J Wadiraj – Hon Treasurer compeered the entire Programme

    Later in the day, the 7th Regional Convention on Quality Circles organized by Mysuru Chapter.  209 teams from 68 companies presented their case studies and kaizens.

    MYSURU CHAPTER Inaugural