QCFI Coimbatore Chapter Inauguration



    Quality Circle Forum of India, Coimbatore Chapter was inaugurated on 29th April 2016 at PSG Institute of Management, Coimbatore, by Mr. N Senthil Kumar, Chairman, SIMA and CMD of BKS Textiles, Palladam in the presence of Dr. N Muthkumar, President and Wholetime Director of Axles India, Mysore, Mr. B Balakrihsnan, Vice President, QCFI, Mr D K Srivastava, Executive Director, QCFI/ Mrs. Umadevi, Chairperson QCFI Madurai Chapter and Mr. Shakarasubramanian, Director-QCFI.

    In connection with this event, a two day Training the Trainers program on 5S Workplace Management by Mr. D K Srivastava, Executive Director, QCFI was organized and we are pleased to inform that we have set a new bench mark for the number of participants as 75 breaking the earlier record of  50 plus.

    The following are the office bearers of QCFI Coimbatore Chapter

    • Chairman        : Ms..J Mohanasundari, MD,Sharp Electrodes, Coimbatore
    • Vice Chairman : Mr. R Ponnambalam, Partner, Doiter Castings, Coimbatore
    • Secretary       : Mrs S Yogeshwari, Coordinator, QCFI Coimbatore

    The Governing Council will be expanded in the next Chapter taking representatives from various sectors such as Textiles, Engineering, Foundry, Hospital, Educational Institutions, etc.

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