Report on Pune Chapter’s 51 st Mini Convention on Quality Circle & Allied Concepts


The 51 st Mini Convention of Pune chapter on Quality Circle & Allied Concepts was held on Saturday, 16th June 2018 at Quality Circle Excellence Centre, MIDC, Bhosari, Pune 411 026 The Inauguration of this Convention was done by the hands of Mr. Rajib Dutta Plant Head – Chloride Metals Ltd. , by lighting a lamp with other QCFI dignitaries. He said that Quality Circle is a must for every organization to have continuous improvement through employee involvement.

Quality circle helps organization and individual for better tomorrow. He himself worked in QC activity as a facilitator and shared his experiences. Mr. Satish Kalokhe – President QCFI was present for the Inaugural session and he appealed all the participants to become Individual life member of QCFI to make QCFI more stronger. He explained the benefits of becoming permanent member of QCFI. He also explained the initial purpose of
starting Mini Conventions.

Dr. Rajani Indulkar introduced the chief guest & Dr. Ajay Fulambarkar – Secretary QCFI Pune Chapter proposed Vote of Thanks . Mr. Anant Kshirsagar & Mr. Prakash Yardi council members were also present for the Inaugural session of Mini Convention.
Total 103 nominations were received i.e 37 Quality Circle , 52 Allied Concept & 14 Posters from 40 Organizations. About 395 members participated in this Convention. The presentation of the case studies was done in 5 parallel streams.

The Valedictory function was presided by the Chief Guest Mr. A Ramkumar – Plant Manager CNH Industrial India Pvt. Ltd., and Guest of Honor Mr. Prashant Harkare – DGM –Mahindra
Construction Equipments .Both were welcomed by Mr. Sanjeev Shinde – Treasurer QCFI Pune Chapter. Mr. A Ramkumar delivered a very inspiring and stimulating speech; he requested all the delegates & Industries to take more & more active participation in the Quality Circle & Allied Concept & to bring these activities in their routine day to day activities to achieve world-class performance.

The Judges who had evaluated the case study presentation were also felicitated in this function. The Judges were Mr. Sudhir Kulkarni, Mr.Venkatesh Peddi, Mr.Mahesh Arole, Mr. Parag Apte, Mr. Pawankumar Raundal, Mr.Ranjeet Jadhav, Ms. Ashwini Nimkar, Mr. Shyamkant Dikshit, Mr. Ajaykumar Ambike & Mr. Atul Patil.

Ms. Vijaya Rumale & Ms. Lalita Pardeshi compiled & declared the results. Mr. Vijay Kamble  Mr. Rumale Channdrashekhaar Organized this event.

Total 60 gold, 31 Silver & 12 Bronze awards were awarded to the participating Teams. Trophies to all the teams participating in this Convention were presented by the Chief guest at the valedictory function Mr. A. Ramkumar, Guest of Honour Mr. Prashant Harkare, Treasurer of Pune Chapter Mr. Sanjeev Shinde & Executive Committee Members Mr. Pawankumar Raundal & Mr. Bhupesh Mall.