Safety Audit NTPC Faridabad

Safety Audit NTPC Faridabad - Meeting with GM and HODs of NTPC Faridabad
Safety Audit NTPC Faridabad – Meeting with GM and HODs of NTPC Faridabad

Safety audit of FGPS Station Faridabad was conducted by a team of 2 professionals from 8th Aug-10th Aug 2016.  The audit was conducted as per IS 14489 of 1998.  The unit was well maintained wrt safety. Special mention is to be made for its excellent house-keeping. Safety instructions are neatly written appropriate to the areas job function. In order to motivate employees suggestion boxes as well as Near mess incident boxes are kept by safety dept at vantage points. Nodal officers are nominated by the management to monitor and guide safety promotional issues which will go a long way to enhance safety performance.Caption for the photo is as follows  Opening meeting with Shri Chandan  chakraborty  General manager and HODs  in the conference room on 9th August 2016.