9th National Conclave on ‘5S’ by QCFI-HQ in association with QCFI Ahmedabad Chapter and SAL Education on 24th June, 2023


    9th National Conclave on ‘5S’ Invitation
    Importance of Workplace Management in terms of 5S initiative is becoming more significant like never before in all walks of like in India. The performance excellence with sound foundation of 5S followed by improvement initiatives is best suited to the organizational culture. In fact “5S” is gateway to TQM.

    For more details and fee structure Download 9th 5S Conclave Brochure

    National Conclaves have been an added attraction to QCFI fraternity in addition to National conventions. Yes, the time has come for the 9th National Conclave on 5S, the much awaited in one of the fast developing city Ahmedabad. QCFI is holding its 9th National Conclave on 5S (Workplace Management) on 24th June’23 and the results will be announced in the 5S Award function of 5S to be held on the same day.

    Programme: 9th National Conclave on ‘5S’ by QCFI-HQ in association with QCFI Ahmedabad Chapter and SAL Education.
    Theme : 5S-Catalyst to achieve Growth, Happiness and Sustenance.
    Date: 24th June, 2023 from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM
    Venue: SAL Education Campus Opp. Science City, Sola Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat – 380060

    For more details and fee structure Download 9th 5S Conclave Brochure

    Organised by
    Quality Circle Forum of India Secunderabad – 500 003
    Tel: +91 40 6631 1168, 6631 8068 Email: qcfihq@qcfi.in

    5S Conclave 2023 Co ordinators from QCFI HQ – Registrations
    Mr. VKB Das, Chief Coordinator M : 93923 86443
    Mr. Sunil Shrivastava M : 78944 00702
    Mr. P.S. Ravi Kumar M : 93916 47969
    Mr. Manoj Reddy M : 99896 97930
    Mr. Kishan Naik M : 99850 56796
    Mrs. Shailaja M : 62819 77038

    Hosted by QCFI Ahmedabad Chapter
    5S Conclave 2023 Coordinators from QCFI Ahmedabad Chapter
    Mr Kaushik Purohit M: 90990 05034
    Mr Yogesh N Patel M: 98246 99697
    Mr Kumar Abhishek M: 95864 40100

    Conclave Coverage:
    Presentation of Implementation of 5S in Organizations
    Presentation of 5S JUSE Certification Journey
    5S Case Study Presentation using DMAIC Method or 12 step methodology of problem solving
    Model, Home 5S, 5S Kaizen and Creative Ideas
    5S Kaizen Competition: Kaizen is also a TQM concept for continuous improvement. QCFI has initiated the integration of Kaizen with 5S Concept, as this also is a continuous improvement process. Presentation of innovative / creative ideas / Kaizens done by the employees of respective units in implementation of 5S.
    For more information on download the conclave brochure

    Registration:  Login using your QCFI institutional membership @ https://qcfi.in/qcfihq  and once in the membership dashboard, click on conclaves link to register your team details.

    Last Date for Registration along with payment: 15th June, 2023
    Note* Top teams will be recommended to participate in the upcoming International Convention at ICQCC 2023, Beijing.

    We extend our cordial invitation to captains of Industries/Institutions/5S practicing teams and QC fraternity to kindly register and take part and make the Conclave purposeful with grand success.

    For more details and fee structure Download 9th 5S Conclave Brochure

    with regards,

    Thanking you,
    Quality Circle forum of India
    306, Navketan Chamber, 62 SD Road,
    Secunderabad – 500003, Telangana.
    Ph: 040-66311168,66318068,66316744