A Two day National Workshop for Coordinatosr in Management of Quality Concepts was held on 13th & 14th May 2019 at Hyderabad Mariott – Report


A Two day National Workshop for Coordinatosr in Management of Quality Concepts was held on 13th & 14th May 2019 at Hyderabad Mariott. 33 participants (from middle and upper mgmt from different regions attended the program. The workshop had both class room and syndicate exercises. The faculties were D.K. Srivastava,  P.V. Satyavratan QCFI and Mr. Vishal Karan from Usha  International. The participants were very enthusiastic and interactive. Mr. Rituraj Mehta Corporate Head, Business Excellence and Safety, Adani Power Thermal Business, Ahmedabad was the keynote speaker on the role of the coordinators in Quality Concepts Movement. His keynote address  emphasized coordinators function in different aspects to ensure the Quality Concepts for sustenance. His PPT was excellent highlighting the role of management and coordinators empowerment

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