National Conclave on Recent advances in Cement Industry by QCFI Hyderabad Chapter held on Oct 21st, 2016


    Quality Circle Forum of India, Hyderabad chapter has conducted a 1 – day national Conclave on” Recent Advances in Cement Industry” with theme of Role of Cement Industry in Environmental Protection at HICC, NOVOTEL on 21.10.2016 with the support of CEMENT MANUFACTURING ASSOCIATION and NCCBM.

    inaugural22bDistinguished guests R.K.Khwaja, IAS(Rtd) Former Secretary, Govt. of India, Dr.Sengupta, member secretary, CPCB, S.K.Handoo, Advisor Technical, CMA and Jt.Directors from NCCBM, Mr.S.K.Kalokhe, President, QCFI,andMr.D.K.Shrivastava, Executive Director, QCFI have participated in the inaugural function.Dr.Senguptahas delivered a talk on present norms of pollution control.Mr.Ch.Balakrishna Rao, Chairman,QCFI,Hyderabad chapter has conducted the inaugural proceedings.
    Mr.Narang,Director(Technical),MyHomegroup, K.N.Rao, Director (Environment),ACC and Mr.P.B.Gopalkrishna, President, Ramco Cements, Jayantipuram have played a key role in making the conclave a success.

    Around 200 delegates from the cement industry have attended and presented 72studies in the streams of Environment, safety, Technology, Energy and Efficiency and Best Practices followed in the industry.

    GHMC, Hyderabad, Ramky Hyderabad, L&T, Metro Rail have made a crosssector presentations on Solid Waste Management, Safety and the new initiatives being taken to protect the environment. The Conclave has ended on a successful note where everybody had something beneficial to take away.