QCFI Hyderabad Chapter Launches 5-S in Telangana State Government Schools


During the past 6 months, Hyderabad Chapter had been taking very concentrated and conscious steps to propagate 5S in Schools. In this effort, it had made a foray into quite a number of private schools. The results and response from these schools has been very positive. So, the chapter wanted to carry this to State Government Schools also.

In this connection our Chairman Sri Ch.Balakrishna Rao met the Ranga Reddy District Collector Mr.Rahunandam and the District Educational officer Mr.Satyanarayana Reddy and briefed them about introduction of 5S in government schools. They were very proactive and wanted to give it a try. The collector invited all the Special Officers (Principals) of the 18 Residential Schools of Ranga Reddy District run under the Kasturiba Gandhi Balika Vidhyalaya (KGBV) scheme to attend an awareness programme on 5S. These 18 schools are located in various villages in Rangareddy District of Telangana with a capacity of 200 girl students per year offering education from 6th class to 10th class. An awareness programme on 5S was given to them by our Chairman Sri.Ch. Balakrishna Rao and Sri.P.V. Satyavratan, Director & Hon. Treasurer, QCFI at the Ranga Reddy Collector’s office. After this comprehension and Zeal to introduce the system was highly commendable.

The details of the 11 schools are:

During their first visit, the faculties conducted an awareness programme on 5-S concepts (with examples) to all the teachers, staff,
housekeeping and kitchen staff and to all students.

The schools are spread across the district. The district education officer was kind enough to work out the logistics and necessary transport to pick up the QCFI faculties from QCFI office to the schools and back.

Each day 3 schools were covered. All the 11 schools were covered on 4 days.

Modus Operandi
Mr.P.V.Satyavratan prepared a comprehensive 5S module to suit these schools. He trained all the new faculties on how to go about. The same standardized module was used by all the faculties.

Visit -I in the month of February 2018
During their first visit, the facultes conducted an awareness programme on 5-S concepts (with examples) to all the teachers, staff, housekeeping and kitchen staff and to all the students.

1.They were explained on the concepts of 1S, 2S and 3S
2.The present situation in each school was photographed along with the SOs
3.The areas requiring 1S, 2S and 3S were pointed out to them and they were requested to get them implemented
4. the need for yellow markings and PEEP ( a Place for everything and everything in their Place) were explained to them.
5. Formation at Steering Committee, dividing the school into zone and nominating zone leaders were explained to them.

Visit – II in the month of March 2018.
After a gap of about 3 to 4 weeks the same faculties visited the same schools.

1. They verified the progress of the implementation.
2. They took photographs of the then current status.
3. The SOs and teachers were given feedback on short comings and suggestions to improve on the current situations.

In many schools the progress was very appreciable. In some schools the progress was very average.

General Observations

1, The comprehension of 5S concepts both by the teachers and students was very good.
2. We were pleasently surprised to see the progress made in some schools regarding:

a) Marking of the yellow paint bench lines
b) Various signages
c) The innovative ways adopted b many schools for drying washed clothes in an orderly way (instead of srying them anywhere and everywhere in the school premises haphazardly.)
d) The very orderly arrangement of the students ‘turnk and personal bags wth yellow boundary lines.
e) Open area surrounding the school building kept near and clean.
f) All lights, fans and corresponding switches neatly marked using marker pen.
g) Weekly row monitors schedule displayed in all class rooms.
h) All the unwanted benches, tables and old books, computer items moved to red tag ared etc.

3. The transport arrangement made b the DEO was quite good and the logistics worked out well.
4. All the facultuies had their lunch in their respective schools. The feedback was that the good was nutrious and tasty in all the schools.
5.The fact that so much visible progress could be observed with in just 2 visits was indeed ery heartening and was beyond our expectations.
6. We deeply appreciate the commitment of the SOs, teachers, students and the supporting staff.
7. A few typical photos of before and after the implementation are included here with.
8. Our next visits will be after schools re-open

To sum up, a good beginning has been made. We are hopeful of finishing it well.

Look for further updates in our future articles.

By Sri PV Satyavratan Director & Hon, Treasurer, QCFI