Quality Circle Forum of India creates Two World Records


Quality Circle Forum of India Honored Gwalior, Achieves Two World Records

Gwalior: The land of sage Galav was blessed today as the Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI) achieved two world records. These records were set during the 38th National Convention of QCFI held on the campus of ABV-IIITM. For the first time, Gwalior earned the distinction of hosting two world records simultaneously, officially recognized by Christopher Taylor Kraft, Registrar of the World Records Union (USA), who presented the certificates to QCFI’s National President Avinash Mishra and Executive Director D.K. Srivastava.

Hall Resonated with Applause

As Christopher Taylor Kraft announced in the afternoon that QCFI had achieved two world records in Gwalior, the auditorium at ABV-IIITM echoed with thunderous applause. Industry experts and institutional leaders congratulated Executive Director D. K. Srivastava and QCFI President Avinash Mishra for this remarkable achievement.

World Records Presented by Christopher

During the ceremony, Christopher Taylor Kraft presented the world record certificates to QCFI President Avinash Mishra and Executive Director D.K. Srivastava. Following this, he also adorned both leaders with world record medals.

The Two World Records

QCFI achieved the two world records for:

1. Highest participation in a single event, with over 12,117 participants in a Quality Concepts Convention.

2. Most no faculty days organized over 5,300+ faculty days by a forum in 12 months.

These records were certified by Christopher Taylor Kraft, Registrar of the World Records Union (USA). The awards were accepted by QCFI National President Avinash Mishra and Executive Director D.K. Srivastava.

Chief Guest Christopher Taylor Kraft stated, “These world records were achieved due to the collaboration of all participants, the commitment of various companies, and the relentless efforts of QCFI. If such efforts continue, there will be opportunities to set even more world records.”