Quality Circles



Many organisations have introduced Quality Circles in our country but not all have succeeded in sustaining them. If we examine why this variation in the success rate, the problem can be traced to lack of proper education and training to enable them to work confidently and constant guidance and support from the managers who are facilitators, and those who are managing. This programme aims at bridging the gap by giving the needed in-put. So that they become vibrant and active.

We conduct in-house programming and workshop’s our methodology is Through interactions, case studies, discussions in groups and practical working as QC Teams on assignments given (syndicate exercises).

iStock_000018911865Larg_optCOURSE CONTENT

  • Launching and institutionalizing QCs
  • Effective conduct of QC meetings, leadership development
  • Time Management
  • Problem solving tools and techniques.
  • Appropriate use of tools and techniques (methodology)
  • Documenting a case study and effective presentation.


A mixed group consisting of QC members, QC Leaders, QC Facilitators, QC Coordinators and QC Trainers Managers who are likely to take up the role of Facilitators can also attend. The mixed group will provide opportunity to know each others problem and work together in an integrated manner.


This programme is specially designed for HINDI SPEAKING participants. Hence the programme language will be in HINDI / ENGLISH.

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