Report on CCQCE 2019 held on 9th February 2019 at DMI College of Engineering, Chennai


The 21st Convention on Quality Circles in Education – CCQCE 2019, under the theme, “QC – Value based Education – A key to success” was conducted by the QCFI Chennai Chapter, on 9th February 2019, in DMI college of Engineering, Chennai-123. Mr.Antonyvelan Dean-Placement, DMI college of Engineering was the Organising Secretary for CCQCE 2019 and Dr.T.Kalaiselvan, GC member was the Coordinator from QCFI Chennai Chapter.

The inaugural function started with an invocation song. Mr.S.Murugan Jt. Secretary, QCFI Chennai Chapter welcomed the gathering. The Organising Secretary, CCQCE 2019 Mr.Antonyvelan gave an overview of CCQCE 2019 Convention,

Prof.C.Uthayakumar, Secretary, QCFI Chennai chapter delivered the presidential address. He spoke about how QCFI has made a humble beginning in spreading this concept of Total Quality Management in Education and asked the educationists to make it a reality by widening its scope for the larger benefit of society and the nation at large. Dr.A.Sanjeeva Rao Regional Director QCFI addressed the audience and briefed the role of Education Activities of QCFI HQ and TQM in education .He also explained the importance of improvement performance with the total employees involvement. The function was enlightened by the Chief Guest Dr.M.A.Leo Vijilious Principal of DMI college of Engineering. In his address, he explained the need for quality consciousness among the students and role of the students in the development of Academic excellence keeping quality in mind. The inaugural function came to an end with the vote of thanks by Mr.S.Sundaram, Treasurer, QCFI Chennai Chapter.

Following the Inaugural function, the case study presentations and other events were conducted. 23 teams from various schools and colleges presented their case studies.

143 students and teachers from many renowned institutions such as, TVS Mat. Hr. Sec.School Madurai, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Krishna Institute of Technology Coimbatore, SRM Vadapalani, DMI College of Engineering, Sri Sairam Engineering College, Govt. School Vengappakkam and Govt School Gnayiru participated in all events such as QC Case study, Essay, Slogan and posters with enthusiasm.
The dedicated Governing Council Members of QCFI Chennai Chapter contributed their effective coordinator-ship and impartial judgmental services for the above cases studies and events.
The valedictory function in the evening was graced by the chief Guest Shri.Dr.M.Arumugam, Founder and MD of Broad Line Technology Pvt Ltd. . Prof.C.Uthayakumar, Secretary, QCFI CC welcomed the gathering. The CCQCE 2019 convention report was presented by the organizing secretary Mr.Antony Velan, Dean-Placement DMI college of Engineering. Mr.T.R.Narasimhan, Chairman, QCFI Chennai chapter in his presidential address acknowledged the grand organization of the convention, appreciated every aspect of the event. He motivated the students to participate with more numbers and enthusiasm in the years to come for the cause of quality in education.
The students volunteered themselves to give positive feedback about the convention. The feedbacks of the participants were very much encouraging and motivating to the QCFI Chennai Chapter. Dr.P.R.Nakkeeran, Past Chairman gave feedback of the Case Studies presented by the students on behalf of the juries.
The QCFI Chennai Chapter honoured Ms.D.Kayalvizhi, Teacher, Govt High School, Vengappakkam with the “QCFI Outstanding Award – 2019” for the Growth of QC movement in Educational Sectors. The Citation of QCFI 2019 outstanding award was read out by Dr.T.Kalaiselvan, GC Member QCFI Chennai Chapter and the award was presented to Ms.D.Kayalvizhi by both the Chief Guest Dr.M.Arumugam and Mr.T.R.Narasimahm.

The Valedictory Address was delivered by the Chief Guest Dr.M.Arumugam. His words of Wisdom were very useful to those who are practicing Q.C Concepts and particularly educative to the student Community.
The results of the events were announced by the Mr.S.Murugan, Jt.Secretary. Prizes and certificates were distributed by the Chief Guest to the entire winning Teams; 10 teams with Par Excellence Awards, 9 Teams with Excellence Awards, 4 Teams with Meritorious Awards. 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes to the respective winners in the Essay, Slogan and Poster Competitions were also awarded.

Mr.A.Mayuranathan Immediate Past President proposed the vote of thanks. He thanked all the institutions for their active participation and especially to the Management of DMI College of Engineering for providing all facilities and sponsoring the convention in a grand manner. He also thanked the delegates and all the governing council Members for their support and active involvement.
The convention came to an end with the National anthem.