Safety Week Competition 2022 by QCFI Pune Chapter


For Prosperity of any industry & organization three pillars namely Productivity, Safety &  Quality are treated as three sides of the triangle. Recent study proved that Safety plays a
predominant role in achieving higher productivity. Hence, awareness on Health and
Safety and enforcement of Health & Safety provisions are very pertinent to productivity.

In today’s rapid industrial growth with modern technology and intricate process, the
need for industrial safety is paramount.

Quality Circle Forum of India also played its part in the Safety Week. This was the 9 th  consecutive year that QCFI Pune Chapter hosted the Safety Week Competition; in
this competition nominations for Case Study, Skit, Slogans, Poster, and Essay were
invited. This competition was held in hybrid mode ie. Physical & Virtual. The Physical
competition was held on Saturday 18 th March 2022 & the Virtual Competition was upto Saturday 26 th March 2022 and the results were declared on 31 st March 2022.
This Year’s Theme was “Nurture Young Minds – Develop Safety Culture” Total 135
nominations were received in various categories i.e Case study, Skit, Slogans, Poster,
and Essay.  Total 296 participants from 41 Industries took part in this competition.

The evaluation of Skit was done Mr. Dhananjay Wagholikar & Mr. Atul Bankar, Case
Study evaluation was done Mr. Rupesh Yadav, Mr.Vijaykant More & Mr. Rahul
Patil. The evaluation of Slogan & Poster was done by Ms. Parvin Tarafdar & Mr. Anant Kshirsagar Awards were given to all the Teams & Individual participants in the valedictory session held in the evening.

This Program was supported by Mr. Anant Kshirsagar & Mr. Rupesh Yadav from Rehau
Polymers . The overall coordination of the program was done by Mr. Prashant Borate &
Channdrashekhaar Rumale of QCFI Pune Chapter.