5th National Conclave on ‘5S’ on 9th & 10th February 2018, Coimbatore


Invitation: Download 5S Conclave Brochure
Importance of Workplace Management in terms of 5S initiative is becoming more significant like never before in all walks of life in India. The performance excellence with sound foundation of 5S followed by improvement initiatives best suited to the organizational culture is an accepted fact. In fact “5S” is Gateway to TQM.

QCFI is alo putting all our efforts for increasing awareness of “5S” & its implementation, ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ as part of 5S initiative, also has a role to play in developing India. We believe 5S is a silent informer of a company’s attitude to Quality. It tells more about the company than any financial statement.


5S cell of QCFI – QCFI had formed an exclusive cell for propagating and promoting the implementation of 5S activities at the local level in all the regions consisting the following team members 1.Mr.B.Balakrishnan, 2.Mr.K.BBharati, 3.Mr.Rituraj Mehta, 4.Mr.VKB Das 5.Mr.Vijay Krishna & 6.Mr.Suresh Sharma

5SVenue: Bannari Amman Institute Of Technology, Sathyamangalam
Download 5S Conclave Brochure

Hosted by :
Quality Circle Forum of India,
Secunderabad – 500 004,
Tel: +91 40 6631 1168, 6631 8068, 6631 6744

Organized by:
Quality Circle Forum of India, Coimbatore Chapter
Mettupalayam Road, Coimbatore – 541 029

In Association with:
Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam

Download 5S Conclave Brochure

Quality Circle Forum of India with host Coimbatore Chapter has great pleasure in inviting you for the “National Conclave on 5S” So, friends, Welcome to this National Conclave on “5S” Workplace Management.

Mr.S.J.Kalokhe – President QCFI
Mr.D.K.Srivastava – Executive Director, QCFI
Dr.J.Mohanasundari – Chair Person, QCFI – Coimbatore
Dr.A.M.Natarajan – CRO,BAIT, Sathyamangalam

Conclave Co-ordinators
Mr.M.Sankara Subramanian Mob: +91 94434 51586
Mr W.S.Satchidanandam     Mob: +91 99444 53020
Mr.P.Baskar                       Mob: +91 99440 03111

Mrs.Yogeswari, Secretary, QCFI Coimbatore
BI, Majestic Pride Apartments, VCS Nagar, Mettupalayam Road, Coimbatore – 641029
Mob: 98422 53472 | Email: qcficbe@yahoo.com

Mr.V.K.B.Das – Additional Director, Quality Circle Forum of India
306, 3rd Floor, Navketan Chambers, 62, S.D.Road, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel: 040 2780566, 66311168 | Email: qcfihq@qcfi.in | Web: www.qcfi.in

Download 5S Conclave Brochure