Report on CCQCE2020 held on 15th Feb 2020 by QCFI Chennai Chapter


The 22 nd Convention on Quality Circles in Education CCCQCE 2020 under the Theme—‘QUALITY CONCEPTS FOR WELL BEING” was conducted by QCFI Chennai chapter at Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering college Chennai on 15 TH FEBURARY 2020 -.Thiru A. Mayuranathan was the coordinator for the convention-CCQCE2020.

The 22nd Convention on Quality Circles in Education inaugural function was started with an invocation of prayer song followed by welcome address by Dr. C. Uthayakumar Vice Chairman. It was a memorable one to welcome the eminent personalities in QCFI Chennai Chapter Founder Chairman Dr T R Jagadeesan , DrAnand A. Samuel, VCVIT, Dr. KS Babai Director QCFI Principal & secretary of the College, Thiru T R Narasimhan Chairman QCFI Chennai, Dr. PR Nakkeeran and Dr C,Uthayakumar Vice Vhairman and Thiru S. Murugan Joint secretary . After the welcome address the traditional lighting of lamp was done by the dignitaries and participants CCQCE 2020 coordinator Mr. A. Mayuranathan informed the importance of Chapter convention in Education and was conducted every year with the support of Educational Institution sponsoring the hospitality and Venue. This year convention 2020, the Venue, Electricity and hospitality like tea, snacks, lunch for the participants of the convention was sponsored by the Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering college Chennai . He over viewed the CCQCE and reported  that 19 QC teams from 10 educational institution and 21 delegates were registered for this convention.QCFI Chennai Chapter honoured Dr. G.S.R Emil Selvan ,coordinator Quality Circles of Thiagarajar college of Engineering Madurai with the QCFI Outstanding Contribution Award -2020 for the growth of QC movement in Educational Sector. The citation was readout by Dr. C.Uthayakumar Vice chairman QCFICC. Award was presented by Thiru T R Narasimhan Chairman , Dr TR Jagdeesan, and Dr Anand.A.Samuel with shawl, citation and award. Dr G S R Emil Selvan gave acceptance speech informing that the award is dedicated to Thigarajar College of engineering Madurai Principal, faculty, and Students. He assured to work continuously for the growth of Qc movement .
Thiru T R Narasimhan Chairman in his presidential address recollected the role of Engineering College with Dr TR Jagadeesan and Padmasri Venu Srinivasan getting Deming award in propagating Quality in industry and Education. Chairman presented a shield for marking 25 years service in QCFICC to Dr Anand.A.Samuel . Dr P R Nakkeeran introduced the Chief Guest to the audience . The Chief Guest Dr Anand.A,Samuel , delivered the Inaugural address by highlighting the modern technology used to spread the concept. He was informed that QCFICC is organizing 4.0 programme . Chairman presented a Memento to Chief Guest. The vote of thanks was proposed by Mr.S.Murugan. Following the inaugural function, case study presentation was done in two parallel halls and the juries were Dr.C.Uthyakumar and K.Srinivasan of Royal Enfield, Dr.P.R.Nakkeeran and Mr.S.Murugan.
In the evening valedictory function was graced by DR K S Babai as Chief Guest. Thiru S.Murugan delivered welcome address. A.Mayuranathan CCQCE 2020 coordinator presented a report on CCQCE2020. 18 QC teams presented the case study and 21 delegates attended. Events like Postee, Slogan Essay were conducted. The Student volunteered to give feedback about the convention. One student appreciated the role of teachers and recognition of service of teacher by senior in propagating QC movement.

Dr K S Babai delivered the Valedictory address and appreciated the feed back of a students and motivated them to involve in propagating QC in education Dr KS Babai was honoured with SHAWL and a memento to college . Dr C.Uthayakumar proposed vote of thanks. The results of the events and QC case studies were announced by S.Murugan. 11 distinguished ,5 Excellent and 2 meritorious awards were presented . Prizes also distributed to the winners of other events. CCQCE 2020 convention came to an end with national anthem To conclude the report, We the Governing council Members of QCFCC
and office staff members under the leadership of Chairman Sincerely Express our thanks to Dr. K S Babai Principal for sponsoring all possible items and also thank teaching and Non teaching staff for all support and cooperation extended to conduct the event successfully.Mayuranathan.A