Tag: QCFI Chennai
Report on 23rd convention on Quality Circles in Education was conducted...
23rd convention on Quality Circles in Education was conducted at Meenashki Sundararajan Engineering College on 11th February 2023. Dr. K.Umarani was the coordinator for...
27th Chennai Chapter’s Convention on Quality Concepts CCQCC on 22nd &...
Chennai Chapter has been organizing QC Convention every year to encourage QC teams to share their achievements and for awarding the best project presenations....
QCFI Chennai Chapter 2nd 5S Convention CC5SC on 3rd March, 2018
QCFI Chennai Chapter 2nd 5S Convention CC5SC 2018 on 3rd March, 2018 at Meenakshi sundararajan Engineering College, Kodambakkam high road, Chennai - 600 024.