Mr. S J Kalokhe


    Mr. S J Kalokhe
    President Emeritus
    Date of Birth: 18.02.1955
    Address: 6B, Shakun Krishi Society,
    Gokhale Nagar, Pune-411016

    Shri. Satish Jagannath Kalokhe is the President of Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI).
    An engineer with B.E (Electrical), MBA in Prod & Marketing Mgt. He has been with QCFI for over 30 years in various capacities in Pune Chapter, before taking up responsibilities at national level. As president he is responsible for policy making and overall activities of the Forum. Prior to his election as president, he held several senior positions at Chapter and National level like Vice-President for the period 2012-2015 and earlier to this he was Director on the Executive Board since 2000. He was Treasurer, Secretary, Co-Chairman and chairman of the Pune Chapter since 1984. He was instrumental in establishing centre for Excellence, the only one of QCFI, along with Mrs. Leela Feroz Poonawalla the then Chairperson of the Pune Chapter.

    He has 40 years of rich experience in the manufacturing industry having worked in various positions across different facets of engineering. He has worked with world class companies like M/s. Thermax Ltd, M/s. Forbes Marshall Pvt. Ltd and M/s. GKN Metals Pvt. Ltd (a UK based multinational company).

    He has attended special courses on “Innovative operations management” conducted by AOTS, Japan; “Strategic Management” by JMA and also “Lean Graduation programme from U.K. and Germany.

    He has expertise in Tools and Techniques for Quality and Productivity Improvement, cost reduction and Lean manufacturing. He has conducted more than 2000 training programmes in India and Abroad, on Quality Concepts, SQC, SPC and various management service activities.

    He has participated as an organizer in all Chapter Conventions of Pune Chapter since 1984 and participated in National Conventions continuously from 2009 onwards. He also attended International Conventions (ICQCC) in 1987 and 2010.

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