QCFI Tirupati Chapter Inauguration

Principal Secretary of Industry and Commerce Mr.S.S.Rawat inaugurated the Tirupati Sub Chapter of Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI) here on Saturday. The organisation...

Pune – 49th Mini Convention on Quality Circle & Allied Concepts

49th Mini Convention on Quality Circle & Allied Concepts The 49th Mini Convention on Quality Circle & Allied Concepts was held on Saturday, 11thJune 2016...

5S Conclave NOV 16 – Invitation to collaborate – Gallery

4th National Conclave on "5S" Conclave NOV 16 held in Mumbai  Click here to View & Download 5S Conclave Pics  Click here to View & Download...


Date: 26.06.2016 QCFI CHENNAI CHAPTER’s SILVER JUBILEE CONVENTION CCQCC-2016 Theme: : “People Participation & Passion – the Pathway to Overall Success” We are pleased to inform that QCFI...

18th NTPC Western Region Quality Circle Convention

The 18 th  NTPC Western Region –I Regional Quality Circle Convention was held on 4 th  March 2017 at Ratnagiri Gas Power Plant Limited....

NCQC 2019 Statistics

Total Organisations: 505 Total Teams: 1645 + 11(Kaizen Display Teams) Total Members: 9000+ Par Excellence: 686 Excellence: 784 Distinguished: 154 Meritorious: 21 Kaizen Display Teams: 11 Along with the oral case study...
Rajsamand Chapter - CCQC 2016

Rajsamand Chapter CCQC 2016 – Report Gallery

Overall 92 teams having participation of 328 employees from 10 organisations made the convention a grand success held at Career Point Technical Campus- Rajsamand...

Program on Lean Management

Madurai Chapter of QCFI Organised a residential programme on Lean Management at Kodai International Hotel, Kodaikanal from 23rd -25th June 2015. This was the...